Raney’s Truck Center is dedicated to Customer Care. Keeping your truck on the road is our #1 priority. That is why we now offer FREE VIS- Check Undercarriage Diagnostics on your truck every time you visit our Service Department for any truck repairs, installation, or other work.
The VIS-Check System will help keep your truck in top condition, detecting problems before they effect your bottom line. It’s the latest diagnostic device – one part performance based brake tester (PBBT) and one part dynamic road simulator. It’s the most impressive diagnostic combo available. The PBBT produces a definitive report on the health of a vehicle’s brakes, including a PASS or FAIL rating to DOT performance requirements. Then, the dynamic road simulator helps technicians identify undercarriage abnormalities related to steering, suspension and drive train. Abnormalities that would otherwise go undetected.
So when you’re in our shop, be sure to ask us about VIS-Check. It’s your best protection against safety and efficiency robbing undercarriage failures. It can be performed on any Class 3-8 truck, trailer or bus, and includes analysis of brake, steering & suspension components. The upside is: improved fuel economy, a safer ride and a lower risk of roadside breakdowns.
Inspection Protection for the Life of Your Truck, Trailer or Bus
VIS-Check Benefits:
Reduces Risk: Confirms brake, steering and suspension performance
Improves Safety: Detects low braking force and air system problems
Lowers Fuel Costs: By detecting high rolling resistance conditions
Peace-of-Mind: Pinpoints undercarriage flaws before in-service failure occurs
Improves Driver Satisfaction: Identifies squeaks, rattles and vibrations
A Smoother Ride: Identifies steering and suspension system shortcomings
Regulatory Compliance: Confirms brake performance to DOT specifications
Improves Brake Life: Detects damaged, dragging or sticking brakes
Lowers Repair Costs: Identifies small repairs before they become costly breakdowns